Welcome to

Bearded Bard Inkworks

A real human book publisher, who puts out novels and ttrpgs. Absolutely not three octopuses in a trench coat, masquerading as a publishing company.

We Are Absolutely People. No Octopi Here.

Novels Are Cool. So Are Games.

Here at Bearded Bard Inkworks, we are human people, who put out books, and things like books. Booky things. With actual pages. And ink. Except when they're digital of course. Either way, we're absolutely people, and not at all three octopuses pretending to be book publishers. Just look at the top hats. Only a human could be so fashionable.

Look, we love books here at Bearded Bard Inkworks. We do. But we also love rpgs. And general weirdness. So we seek out authors who are exploring unique spaces, while also generating cool tabletop games. Because who doesn't love the idea of finding that next book they love, and then getting to play a game in that world?