Years of experience
Industry awards won
Meet the Team
Bertrand - Editor in Chief
The octo...man behind the curtain, the master in all things book selection, editing, and most of all: publishing.
Charles - Marketing Chief
How did you find us? Most likely through the hard work of Charles, marketing guru extraordinaire. Bask in his magnificence.
Renaud - Head of Gaming
If you have enjoyed any of our fine games, you likely owe all your thanks and more than a few fresh clams, to Renaud.

Feel Free To Reach Out!
We are currently closed to submissions.
Want to create new content, or a hack of one of our games?
We would love that! We call them Tentacles.
Like our rpg game content? Want to take it and make it better? Hack it, create new content for it, etc? We are all about it! Any game that we have released under a CC-By-SA 4.0 license (Creative Commons-Attribution-ShareAlike) is fair game! Not sure if a game is? Look at the inside back page and we will tell you! You can do with it what you wish, even commercially. All you have to do is give us proper attribution. How to do that though?
Here is the license, it explains what's technically legally required:
But really all we ask is two things:
1. That you add the logo to the right to your document, somewhere. We aren't picky. A downloadable copy is right down below to make it easy for you.
2. Include the following phrase somewhere:
"This Tentacle is based on content created by (insert author(s) name from the cover), and originally published by Bearded Bard Inkworks under a CC-By-SA 4.0 license."
Also, we'd really like it if you told us, so we can help promote it. A rising tides lifts all boats! Which can then be drug to the depths together by kraken!

Our Stance on Artificial Intelligence:
Here at Bearded Bard Inkworks we feel that everyone has to define their own ethics around AI.
Ours are this:
We will never knowingly use AI to replace the work of another creative. This includes art, book content, audio narration, etc.